Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Using Blogs in the Library

I think that a blog would be a wonderful addition to the Library Media Center. Blogs are a great way for student's to share their opinions with their classmates and improve their writing skills.

One way to use a blog would be as a literary review. Student's would read a book and prepare their book review on a blog. Other student's can read their review and comment on it and also add their individual opinions. The blog would become a good source for student's to read what others liked and disliked about a book before taking it out for the library. It would essentially be an online book review. Books could be organized on the blog by category so that students could easily find a book to read that interested them.

A book review would also be a great way for the Engligh department to have their individual classes collaborate with each other, because all the student's could have access to the other classes.